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Nutri meter


  • Micronutrient Testing assesses the intracellular requirements of micronutrients that play an important role in overall health and wellness of your patients. Micronutrient tests measure the biochemical function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants within lymphocytes, providing a powerful clinical assessment tool for your practice.
  • Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants are associated with the chronic degenerative disease processes such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis.
  • Spectracell’s patented technology assesses long-term intracellular requirements using each patient’s lymphocytes. Under a variety of nutrient depletion conditions, the growth response of these cells is measured to mitogenic stimulation. This determines functional intracellular deficiencies, which are not detected by standard serum tests.
  • For individuals with deficiencies, consider repletion with supplements and nutrients found in recommended foods.
  • Increased thromboxane production may lead to increased risk for heart attack and stroke.
  • AspirinWorks® is an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) to determine levels of 11 – dehydrothromboxane B2 (11 - dhTXB2) in urine which aids in the quantitative detection of aspirin effect in apparently healthy individuals post ingestion.
  • High levels of 11 - dhTXB2 are associated with increased risk of heart attack and cardiac death in aspirin-treated patients.
  • Hyperlipidaemia is associated with diminished response to aspirin.
  • 11 – dhTXB2 levels demonstrate a dose-related effect of aspirin treatment and have been shown to correlate with the Framingham Risk Score.
  • For individuals on aspirin with abnormal 11-Dehydrothromboxane-B2 levels, consider adding omega-3 fatty acids or increasing the aspirin dose to improve antiplatelet function if no contraindications for aspirin therapy.
  • Assess risk for pre-diabetes, diabetes.
  • Creatine Kinase (CK) measures both acute and chronic injury to myocardial cells.
  • Blood levels of creatine kinase rise when heart cells or other muscle cells are injured.
  • Statins, especially when combined with other lipid altering medications, can damage muscles and increase creatine kinase levels.
  • Measure creatine kinase if acute signs of a heart attack or chest pain occur and monitor levels for chronic injury combined with other inflammatory markers.
  • Repeat test if acute or chronic signs or symptoms (i.e., sorness, fatigue, chest pain, dark color urine) of muscle damage persist.
  • Individuals with subclinical or clinical hypothyroidism are at higher risk for heart failure and coronary artery disease.
  • In subclinical hypothyroidism, the thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone, so TSH is increased to stimulate the thyroid resulting in high TSH levels and normal thyroid function.
  • Individuals with high TSH may have a harder time losing weight and will often exhibit lipid abnormalities. Test RMR, lipids, and treat thyroid levels.
  • Individuals with low TSH, especially if taking thyroid supplements, are at risk for arrhythmias.
  • Repeat 6 weeks after initiating or changing therapy and then every 6 months.
  • This panel includes 8 standard tests used to assess and monitor a patient’s fluid and electrolyte status, kidney function, blood sugar levels, and response to various medications and other medical therapies.
  • Abnormal values may indicate health issues like heart or kidney disease.
  • Repeat abnormal values monthly until underlying cause is diagnosed.
  • Abnormal hepatic enzyme levels may indicate liver damage.
  • The liver stores and metabolizes foods and medications. Weight gain and insulin resistance can increase the storage of triglycerides in liver tissue, altering liver function.
  • Medications are metabolized by the liver and may alter liver function.
  • Test hepatic functions prior to initiation of of anti-lipemic medications to get a baseline reading, 6 weeks after starting therapy, or if symptoms develop.
  • The CBC gives information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood which can identify anemia, infections and other stresses on the body.
  • WBCs are released in response to injury or stress causing inflammation. When combined with elevated platelets, endothelial dysfunction can occur.
  • Abnormal results can be a result of acute or chronic disease processes. Identify underlying causes.
  • Combined with other labs, CBC can guide medication and lifestyle therapy.
  • Repeat abnormal values as needed until treatment goal is met, then at least annually.


Nutri meter
This amino acid increases insulin sensitivity which helps the body store energy in muscle instead of storing it as body fat.

Biotin Boosts
metabolism by improving glycemic control (stabilizes blood sugar) and lowering insulin, a hormone that promotes fat formation.

Carries fatty acids into the cell so they can be burned for fuel; Helps reduce visceral adiposity (belly fat)

Inhibits the formation of fat cells; Also helps oxidize (burn) fat cells.

Lipoic Acid
Improves glucose uptake into cells, which helps a person burn carbohydrates more efficiently.

Makes the body more sensitive to insulin, helping to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle.

Vitamin B5
Taking B5 lowers body weight by activating lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that burns fat cells. One study liked B5 supplementation to less hunger when dieting.

Low magnesium in cells impairs a person’s ability to use glucose for fuel, instead storing it as fat; Correcting a magnesium deficiency stimulates metabolism by increasing insulin sensitivity. Magnesium may also inhibit fat absorption.
Reduces fat mass by improving glucose uptake into muscle.

Supplementation with this antioxidant reduced body fat in obese patients.

Supplementation may increase adiponectin levels.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Treatment with B3 increases adiponectin, a weight-loss hormone secreted by fat cells; Niacin-bound chromium supplements helped reduced body weight in clinical trials.

Vitamin A
Enhances expression of genes that reduce a person’s tendency to store food as fat; reduces the size of fat cells.

Vitamin E
Inhibits pre-fat cells from changing into mature fat cells, thus reducing body fat.

Vitamin D
Deficiency strongly linked to poor metabolism of carbohydrates; Genes that are regulated by vitamin D may alter the way fat cells form in some people.

Vitamin K
Poor vitamin K status linked to excess fat tissue; vitamin K helps metabolize sugars.

Deficiency of zinc reduces leptin, a beneficial hormone that regulates appetites, which is reversed by zinc repletion


  • Obesity is a significant risk factor for dyslipidemia, hypertension, & insulin resistance.
  • RMR accurately assesses an individual’s current caloric needs for resting body functions including breathing, circulation, & digestion based on oxygen consumption.
  • Exercise and lifestyle are considered with the current RMR to give an estimate or caloric budget, aiding in weight management.
  • RMR testing is recommended for individuals needing to lose weight, struggling to lose weight, or at risk for insulin resistance and hypertension.
  • Repeat RMR after significant weight or muscle changes as indicated through body composition testing.